MAA and AMS Meetings in Madison

2001 and 2002 

MAA Meeting

The Annual Summer Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America will be held in Madison in 2001 (MathFest 2001). The dates of the meeting are August 2-4, 2001. The meeting will be held at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center on Lake Mendota, just down Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard from the State Capital. Participants will be housed in Sellery Hall on West Johnson Street (overflow to Witte Hall as necessary). Those chosen to give Invited Addresses are: Judith Grabiner of Pitzer College, Frank Morgan of Williams College, and Michael Starbird (PhD 1974, M. Rudin) of the University of Texas. S. Brent Morris of the U.S.  Department of Defense will be the banquet speaker. Information as it becomes available can be found at the MAA website:

Immediately following the MathFest, Ken Ono is organizing for the MAA a short course entitled The Life and Legacy of Ramanujan. Lecturers include Scott Ahlgren (Colgate University), George Andrews (Penn State University), Richard Askey, Bruce Berndt (PhD 1966, J. R. Smart) (University of Illinois), and Ken Ono.

Ken is anticipating having a lot of fun with the short course. He is designing `hands on' computer lab activities for participants. In addition, there will be in-depth lectures on the ``Ramanujan story,'' including photos and other memorabilia, and mathematical lectures which briefly describe some of Ramanujan's most famous discoveries. Included in the lectures will be some of the important things which continue to be of interest today in terms of open problems, new theorems, etc.

If you are in Madison for the MathFest, then be sure to come to the:

4:30-6:30 PM, Wednesday
August 1, 2001
9th floor lounge, Van Vleck Hall
Wisconsin Beer & Cheese


AMS Central Section Meeting

The Central Section of the American Mathematical Society will hold a meeting at UW-Madison on October 11-12, 2002. As of this writing those selected to give invited addresses have not been announced. The only deadline announced at this time is that of March 12, 2002 for organizers of special sessions. More information will be available in next year's newsletter.

We hope that these meetings will afford an opportunity for many Wisconsin PhDs and other Wisconsin friends to come back for a visit to the Mathematics Department.

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