Visiting Faculty

This year, as is usually the case, there are a number of visiting faculty who are both teaching and collaborating in research with members of our faculty.

Fall Semester Teaching Visitors

Zelijko Cuckovic from the University of Toldeo; functional analysis, complex analysis, harmonic analysis.

Harvey Friedman from Ohio State University; mathematical logic.

Miroljub Jevtic from the University of Belgrade (Yugoslavia); complex analysis and harmonic analysis.

Andrei Kelarev from the University of Tasmania (Australia); ring theory and algebras.

An-Min Li from Sichuan University (China); differential geometry.

Andrei Morozov from the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Russia); mathematical logic.

Gabriel Navarro from the Universitat de Valencia; group theory and algebra.

Edwin Perkins from the University of British Columbia (Canada), probability.

Jean-Philippe Rolin from the University of Bourgogne (France); mathematical logic.

Otmar Spinas from the University of Kiel (Germany); set theory.

Professors Friedman, Morozov, Rolin, and Spinas lectured to graduate students in logic at different times throughout the semester.

Spring Semester Teaching Visitors

Alberto Elduque from the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain); Lie algebras and symmetric spaces.
Lorenzo Pareschi from the University of Ferrara (Italy); numerical methods for partial differential equations.

Long-an Ying from Peking University (China); numerical analysis and partial differential equations.
Greg Lee from the University of Alberta (Canada); algebra.

Professors Cuckovic, Navarro, and Perkins are also teaching in the spring semester.

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