This year we have hired two outstanding new faculty, both at the associate professor level. They will join the department in the fall of 2002.
Professor Xiuxiong Chen has been hired as a new associate
professor. Xiuxiong received the PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in
1994. His thesis, written under the direction of E. Calabi, is
entitled ``Extremal
Hermitian metrics with curvature distortion in a Riemann surface.'' His
earlier education was in China, and he earned a MA from the Graduate
School of Academic Sinica (Beijing) in 1989, and a BSc from University
of Science and Technology of China (Hefei) in 1987.
After the PhD, Xiuxiong was an Instructor at McMaster University (Canada) for two years, and then an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University for another two years. Since 1998 he has been an assistant professor at Princeton University.
Dr. Chen works in the area of complex differential geometry, with particular emphasis on the geometric theory of compact Kahler manifolds. He has made very significant contributions to the understanding of the space of Kahler metrics, with his research papers appearing in such journals as Journal of Differential Geometry, Inventiones, and Annals of Mathematics. He has received the distinction of being invited as a speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians to be held in Beijing this summer.
Professor Alexander Kiselev obtained a B.S. in Physics at
St.Petersburg (1992) and
a PhD in Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology (1996).
After spending a year at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at
Berkeley, he went to the University of Chicago as a Dickson Instructor, a
highly prestigious entry level position. Since 1999 he has been an
assistant professor at the University of Chicago.
Dr. Kiselev has worked mostly in two areas: spectral theory and dynamics for Schrodinger operators and models of combustion processes, in particular reaction-diffusion equations. He has brought powerful techniques from harmonic analysis and differential equations to bear on these problems, and his prolific (25 papers) and high quality publication record attests to his great success.
Alexander's work has received considerable recognition. He has held an NSF research grant since 1998 and in 2001 he was awarded a prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship. Just a few weeks ago he was awarded an NSF Career Award, meant to recognize the research and teaching accomplishments of outstanding young mathematicians in the US.