Van Vlecks

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This academic year we have four new Van Vleck Assistant Professors, along with a large group of continuing Van Vlecks.

Seung Yeal Ha received the PhD from Stanford University in 2001 under the guidance of Tai-Ping Liu with a thesis ``L1 stability for systems of conservation laws with a non-resonant moving source''. His Bachelor's degree is from Seoul National University in Korea. From April to August 2000, Seung was a research assistant at the ``Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica.'' His research interests lie in nonlinear stability theory of hyperbolic conservation laws and kinetic equations, and hydrodynamic limit of some kinetic equations.

William J. McGraw received the PhD from the University of Maryland in 2001. His thesis advisors were Stephen Kudla and Lawrence Washington. The title of his thesis is ``On the rationality of vector valued modular forms.'' Bill has Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Boston College in mathematics (and also economics for the B.A.). His research interests are in number theory, specifically modular forms and arithmetic properties of their Fourier coefficients. Bill is supported half-time as a Number Theory Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, from a grant held by Ken Ono.

Manuel A. de Macedo Portilheiro received the PhD from the University of California - Berkeley in 2001. His thesis, supervised by L. Craig Evans, is entitled ``Weak solutions of nonlinear equations and relaxation limits''. His earlier degrees are from the Technical University of Lisbon. Manuel is also supported half-time as a Postdoctoral Fellow on an NSF Focused Research Group Grant, under Mikhail Feldman. His research areas are nonlinear PDE, conservation laws, and Hamilton-Jacobi equations.

Govind Menon received the PhD from Brown University in 2001. His thesis ``Geometric methods for the Maxwell-Bloch equations and the kinetics of multiscale materials" was written under the guidance of G. Haller. He has a Masters degree in theoretical and applied mechanics from Cornell University and a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology. His research interests lie in mathematical problems in materials science and optics, and applied analysis. Govind worked at the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences during the 2000-01 academic year.

Malabika Pramanik received the PhD also from the University of California - Berkeley in 2001. Her thesis advisor at Berkeley was Michael Christ. Malabika was a graduate student at Madison but transferred to Berkeley after one year (1995-96). Her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Indian Statistical Institute are in statistics. She gives her research interests as harmonic analysis, specifically scalar oscillatory integrals and oscillatory integral operators, and almost everywhere convergence of Fourier series. She is also interested in scattering theory and PDEs.

Continuing Van Vleck Assistant Professors are: Markus Banagl, Yiftach Barnea, Rebecca Field, Dan Knopf, Rajesh Kulkarni, Ernesto Lupercio, Charles McCoy, Chris Raymond, Bo Su, and Wojciech Wieczorek. Jeremy Lovejoy has been on leave this academic year enjoying a postdoctoral fellowship in France and will return for 2002-03. Continuing Lecturers this year are Marina Arav, Gwynneth Coogan, and Greg Lee.

Next fall, Markus Banagl will start a tenure-track job at the University of Cincinnati; Dan Knopf takes up a position at the University of Iowa; Rajesh Kulkarni will start a tenure-track job at Michigan State University and Charles McCoy will enter the seminary of Notre Dame University.

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