Visiting Faculty

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We have a large number of visitors this year who are teaching and collaborating in research with faculty.

Fall Semester

Marat Arslanov from Kazan State University (Kazan, Russia); mathematical logic.

Antal Balog from Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics (Budapest, Hungary); analytic and combinatorial number theory.

Alexander Kleshchev from the University of Oregon (Eugene); representation theory of algebraic and finite groups.

Jacobus Koolen from the University of Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany); graph theory and algebraic combinatorics.

Anton Kucera from Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic); mathematical logic.

Jean-Marie Lion from Université Rennes (Rennes, France); mathematical logic.

Boris Zil'ber from the University of Oxford (Oxford, England); mathematical logic.


Professors Arslanov, Kucera, Lion, and Zil'ber taught Math 975 in sequence (3-4 weeks apiece) and worked with Steffen Lempp and Patrick Speissegger.

Spring Semester

Michael Greenblatt from MIT (Cambridge); harmonic analysis.

Kyu-Hwan Lee from Seoul National University (Seoul, S. Korea); Lie algebras and representation theory.

John Maginnis from Kansas State University (Manhattan); cohomology of groups.

Robert McCann from the University of Toronto (Canada); partial differential equations.

Professors Balog and Kleshchev are also teaching in the spring semester.

Non-teaching visitors, in Madison for an extended stay this academic year, include:

Michael Cullen from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (Reading, UK); applied mathematics.

Nigel Cutland from the University of Hull (Hull, UK); mathematical logic.

Iskander Kalimullin from Kazan State University (Kazan, Russia); mathematical logic.

Frank Stephan from the University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany); mathematical logic and complexity.