Sabbaticals and Leaves
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2002-03 Academic Year
- Patrick Ahern,
- on sabbatical all year, spent the fall semester
working with mathematicians in Marseille, Barcelona and the Canary
Islands. It wasn't all work however and certainly one of the
highlights of the semester happened during the last week of September
when Pat and his wife Kay met Melania Adem in northern Spain and walked
for five days with her on the Route of Saint James. (Melania continued
for approximately twenty five more days and walked the entire Route,
almost 800 kilometers). Pat is based in Madison for the spring
- Steffen Lempp
- is on sabbatical this year at the University of
Heidelberg, Germany, partly supported by a Mercator guest professorship of
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. According to Steffen, there is a
whole group of logicians who spend between a month and a year in
Heidelberg, so it is a great place for him to be. He is teaching one
advanced course (in English!) for the Mercator professorship. The
students are in German schools and had some problems with the language at
first, but now Steffen says they are much better. He gave an invited talk
at the European Logic Colloquium in Muenster last August and will attend
the next European Logic Colloquium in Helsinki next August. While in
Europe, he is giving semininar talks in Wuerzburg, Bonn and Leeds.
- Arnold Miller
- is also on sabbatical this year. He spent the first
semester at the Fields Institute (Toronto) for mathematical research.
There was a four month conference on Set Theory, including two
workshops on Borel equivalence relations in Descriptive Set Theory and
Applications of set theory to the theory of Banach spaces. He reports
that it was an extremely productive and exciting semester. For the
second semester he will be traveling across the country visiting
various set theorists and attending Logic meetings at the University of
Florida in Gainesville, Texas Tech in Lubbock, Boise State University
in Idaho, and the University of Edmonton in Alberta.
- Paul Rabinowitz
- was on sabbatical for the fall semester of
2002-03. He spent about half of his time in Madison. In addition he
participated in a program in honor of John Mather's 60th birthday at
Princeton for one month, gave several lectures in Taiwan, spent some
time at Toyko University with a collaborator, and gave a series of
lectures at a workshop in Kyoto.
Three faculty members have been granted sabbaticals for the full academic
year 2003-04.
- Amir Assadi
- will spend the academic year in the Department of Neurobiology at
Harvard University developing multi-scale theoretical modes of information
processing in the human brain. researchers in neurobiology.
- Georgia Benkart
- will be based in Madison during her sabbatical, finishing the
writing of a book ``Combinatorial Representation Theory'' (with Arun Ram). In
addition, she will be continuing her work on several research projects, some
of which involve co-authors in Korea and Spain, and will spend about a month
in each of these countries.
- Thomas Kurtz
- will lead a year-long program on Probability and Statistics
in Complex Systems: Genomics, Networks, and Financial Engineering at the
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) at the University of
Other people on non-sabbatical leave this year are:
- Anatole Beck
- (spring semester, 2002-03) at the London School of
- James Propp
- (academic year, 2002-03) at Harvard University.
- Yongbin Ruan
- (academic year, 2002-03) at Hong Kong University of
and Technology (Hong Kong).
- Thanos Tzavaras
- academic year, 2002-03, at the University of Crete (Greece).
File translated from
version 2.92.
On 11 Feb 2003, 10:48.