Travis D. Warwick has been Head of the Stephen Cole Kleene Mathematics Library since December 2000. Travis received a B.S. in Mathematics from Albertson College of Idaho in 1994, a Master of Science in Mathematics from the University of Idaho in 1997, and a Master of Library and Information Science from Louisiana State University in 1999. At the University of Idaho, he was a Teaching Assistant, then Lecturer, teaching precalculus, algebra, and finite mathematics. After graduating, his first job was as Science Reference Librarian - Assistant Professor at Illinois State University (ISU) where he taught a course in college algebra.
Something to watch for here in the Math Library, this May during intersession, the Library will close briefly for some minor remodeling. The Campus Space and Remodeling Policies Committee has approved a request for carpeting and some new paint. In addition to the new aesthetic appearance, we expect the carpet to go a long way towards creating a quieter environment for research. The exact dates for the library remodeling will be announced and posted as soon as they are known.
Contributed by Travis Warwick.