Visiting Faculty

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Again in 2002-03 there are a number of visitors from other institutions who are teaching and collaborating in research with our permanent faculty. In addition, there are a number of honorary fellows here for extended periods to collaborate with faculty.

Fall Semester Teaching Visitors

Jaume Aguade from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain): algebraic topology.
Zoe Chatzidakis from UFR de Mathematiques: Logic.
Istvan Juhasz from the Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics.
Josu Sangroniz Gómez from the Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain): character theory.
Boban Velickovic from UFR de Mathematiques: Logic.
Alex Wilkie from University of Oxford: Logic.

Professors Chatzidakis, Juhasz, Velickovic, and Wilkie team-taught the logic course Math 975.

Spring Semester Teaching Visitors

James Wright [PhD 1990, S. Wainger] from the University of Edinburgh: harmonic analysis.

Other visitors in Madison for an extended period this year who are collaborating with faculty include:

Jong-Guk Bak Pohang University (Korea)
Dongho Byeon Seoul National University (Korea)
Yang Chen Imperial College-London (England)
Nansook Cho [PhD 1994, Kurtz], Hansung University (Korea)
Youngwoo Choi Ajou University (Korea)
Jacob Christiansen University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Sylvie Corteel Laboratoire PRiSM, Université de Versailles (France)
Weiyue Ding Academia Sinica (China)
Suk-Geun Hwang [PhD 1985, R. Brualdi], Kyungpook National University (Korea)
Kyeonghoon Jeong Yonsei University (Korea)
Rolando Jimenez-Benitez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Cuernavaca
Juhász, István Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics (Budapest, Hungary)
Michael Kouritzin University of Alberta (Canada)
Ki-Suk Lee Korea National University
Peter Mayr Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Austria)
Alexander Moreto Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain)
Serge Randriambololona Ecole Normalé Supérieure de Lyons (France)
Liudmila Sabinina Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Cuernavaca
Hiroaki Terao Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan)
Yoji Yoshii University of Alberta (Canada)
Chunxiong Zheng Tsinghua University (China)