Opportunities 2024

Summer 2024 UW-Madison REU in analysis:

In May-June 2024, the Research Training Group in Analysis and PDE will offer an (in-person) NSF-supported research experience for undergraduates (REU). Students will work in a small group under the guidance of the mentors to study more advanced topics in mathematics and, possibly, solve some research problems. The primary goal of the program is to give students a sense of what research in analysis and PDE is like.

Project Topics:

The topics will include some classical areas in complex analysis, approximation theory, and harmonic analysis.

No background in or prior knowledge of these areas is required, but it would be helpful to have taken an introductory analysis course (Math 421 or 375-376), or a proof-based linear algebra course (Math 341), or to have some programming experience (e.g., Matlab, Python, or Java). 


Program Details:


Program dates: May 20 to June 28, 2024. During the program period, students are expected to be in-person and work full-time on their projects.


Eligibility: Any current undergraduate student at UW-Madison who expects to continue enrollment in the 2024-2025 academic year. Participants must be US citizens or permanent residents.


Stipend:  Eligible students will receive a stipend of $3,900 for the 6-week program. 


Organizers: Summer Al Hamdani, Taylor Tan, Sarah Tammen, Sergey Denisov.


Contact information: For questions, please contact the organizers at this email address: rtg-reu-2024-admin@g-groups.wisc.edu


Funding: This program is supported by NSF grant DMS-2037851


Application Details: 


If interested, please submit an application by April 1, 2024 (applications thereafter considered on a rolling basis) using the following Google form: application form




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