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- CURL course Spring 2016 - A second course in Linear Algebra. Course Webpage: Math 491 Report: The course is meeting three times a week, T-T 9:30-10:45 with the lecturer (Dr. Shamgar Gurevich) and every Tuesday 5-6:30 with the TA (Jeff Poskin). The overall goal of the course is the topic of canonical forms of operators on finite dimensional vector spaces both the theoretical aspects and the numerical aspects. For students will be chosen to work with TA over the summer of 2016.
- CURL course Spring 2017 - Computations in homology, Math 490 Taught by Steven Sam.The goal of the course is to introduce the students to homology, and some of its occurrences in algebra, topology, and combinatorics. The students will work on computational research problems in these areas.Course Webpage: