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Eleven PhDs Awarded in 2003

Eleven PhDs were awarded by UW-Madison in calendar 2003. Their names, thesis advisors, current position, and thesis tile are listed below.

Alkan, Emre
(Advisor, Ken Ono), J. L. Doob Research Assistant Professor, University of Illinois-Urbana, Urbana IL 61801, Multiplicative number theory with applications to modular forms and enumeration of groups.

Chakrabarti, Manish
(Advisor, Georgia Benkart), Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, Representations of modular and quantum Weyl algebras and of generalized Heisenberg algebras.

Cho, Cheol-Hyun
(Advisor, Yong-Geun Oh), Boas Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, Northwestern University, Evanston IL, Holomorphic discs, spin structures and Floer cohomology of the Clifford torus.

De Sousa Dias Lopes, Samuel A.
(Advisor, Georgia Benkart), Faculdade de Ciências Universidade do Porto, do Porto, Portugal, On the structure and representation theory of the quantized enveloping algebra Uq(g)+, for g semisimple.

Givens, Berit N.
(Advisor, Ken Kunen), Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA, Hypergraphs and chromatic numbers, with applications to the Bohr topology.

Hu, Shengda
(Advisor, Yongbin Ruan), Postdoc, Mathematics & Statistics, University de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, Semi-stable degeneration of Toric varieties and their hypersurfaces.

Lee, Youngsuk
(Advisor, Leslie Smith), Postdoc, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, An isotropic energy transfer in beta-plane and rotating flows.

Miller, Daniel J.
(Advisor, Patrick Speissegger),Postdoc, Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, A preparation theorem for Weierstrass systems

Mortenson, Eric T.
(Advisor, Ken Ono), Postdoc, Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, The modularity of a certain Calabi-Yau threefold and supercongruences for truncated hypergeometric series.

Velikina, Julia V.
(Advisor, Amos Ron), Department of Medical Physics, UW-Madison, Twisting transform and replicable functions.

Voelker, Meta
(Advisor, M. Ferris), Senior Analyst, ALPHATECH, Inc., Arlington, VA, Optimization of slice models.

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