Annual Newsletter of the University of Wisconsin Math Department

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Sabbaticals and Leaves

Amir Assadi
is based in Madison during his academic year sabbatical and is making a sequence of short visits to the laboratories of his collaborators across the country (Cambridge, Houston, Bloomington and Salk Institute in San Diego). He was also invited to join the Genome Center of Wisconsin as an Affiliate last Fall, so the intervening intervals are spent at GCW, where there are a group of active and energetic post doctoral fellow and graduate students. His time is primarily spent between learning more molecular and systems biology, and collaborating with various laboratories on modeling the brain function and some new projects in systems biology. He attended the joint Annual Meeting in Phoenix, where he was invited to give a lecture in the Special Sessions on: Mathematical Modeling in Neuroscience, Biomedicine, Genetics and Epidemiology,

Georgia Benkart
is on sabbatical leave for the whole academic year. During the fall semester, she attended a meeting in Banff (which she coorganized) and an international conference at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study in Seoul. When she wasn't on visits to Canada to work on research projects with collaborators there or working on finishing a monograph on the Recognition Theorem (a missing piece of the puzzle of the classification of simple modular Lie algebras), she has been in Madison checking up on her doctoral students. One finished in August, one in December, and three are hoping to finish in May.

Thomas Kurtz
is spending the academic year at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) at the University of Minnesota where he is helping to lead a year-long program on Probability and Statistics in Complex Systems. In December, Tom took two weeks off from IMA to visit India where he spoke in the Conference on Stochastic Processes and Interacting Particle Systems at the Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi.



Others on non-sabbatical leave this year are:

Anatole Beck
(spring semester, 2003-04) at the London School of Economics (England).
Alexander Kiselev
(spring semester, 2003-04) at Princeton University.
Donald Passman
(spring semester, 2003-04) at the Center for Communications Research in LaJolla, California.
Thanos Tzavaras
(academic year, 2003-04) at the University of Crete (Greece).

2004-05 Academic Year

Eight faculty have been awarded sabbaticals for 2004-05.

Yong-Geun Oh
will spend the academic year at Stanford University working on homology theory and symplectic geometry. He plans to write a monograph on these subjects.
Peter Orlik
will have an academic year sabbatical and will spend the fall semester at MSRI in Berkeley where he is one of the organizers of the program on Hyperplane Arrangements and Applications.
Yongbin Ruan
plans to spend a fall semester sabbatical at Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study doing research on applications of topology and geometry to physics. He plans to write a graduate level text in this area.
Leslie Smith
will spend an academic year sabbatical doing interdisciplinary research at Los Alamos National Laboratories, with shorter visits to Harvard University.
Dietrich Uhlenbrock
will have an academic year sabbatical in which he plans to explore alternate modes of instruction at the precalculus level, and to prepare a modified calculus curriculum featuring applications to biology.
Stephen Wainger
plans to spend a spring semester sabbatical at Princeton University working on problems at the interface of harmonic analysis, number theory, and ergodic theory.
Fabian Waleffe
will spend an academic year sabbatical at Los Alamos National Laboratories working on problems of turbulence, with shorter visits to Harvard University.

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