Kenneth Kunen
Papers 2010 -- 2022
Hart, J. & Kunen, K.,
Aronszajn Compacta ,
Topology Proceedings 35 (2010) 107-125. (Also in
- Kunen, K.,
Locally Connected HL Compacta ,
Topology and its Applications 158 (2011) 2473-2478. (Also in
Hart, J. & Kunen, K.,
Arcs in the Plane ,
Topology and its Applications 158 (2011) 2503-2511. (Also in
- Kunen, K.,
Forcing and Differentiable Functions ,
Order 29 (2012) 293-310. (Also in
- Kunen, K., Larson, J. A., & Steprāns, J.
Continuous Maps on Aronszajn Trees ,
Order 29 (2012) 311-316. (Also in
- Kunen, K.,
Homeomorphisms with Small Twist,
arXiv:1202.5813, 2012. (Also in ps)
- Kunen, K.,
Irredundant Sets in Atomic Boolean Algebras,
arXiv:1307.3533, 2014. (Also in ps)
- Kumar, A. & Kunen, K.,
Induced ideals in Cohen and random extensions,
Topology and its Applications 174 (2014), 81-87.
- Kunen, K., Medini, A., & Zdomskyy, L.,
Seven characterizations of non-meager P-filters,
Fund. Math. 231 (2015), no. 2, 189-208.
Hart, J. & Kunen, K.,
Compacta and their Function Spaces
, Topology and its Applications
special issue
in honor of Mary Ellen Rudin 195 (2015) 119-142.
- Kinyon, M. K. ,
Kunen, K., Phillips, J. D., & Vojtěchovský, P.,
The structure of automorphic loops ,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
368 (2016), no. 12, 8901-8927.
Hart, J. & Kunen, K.,
Ultra Strong S-Spaces, Topology Proceedings
51 (2018) 87-132.
Hart, J. & Kunen, K.,
Spaces with no S or L Subspaces,
Topology Proceedings
55 (2020) 147-174.
Hart, J. & Kunen, K.,
Properties and Super Properties,
Topology Proceedings
55 (2020) 175-185.
Hart, J. & Kunen, K.,
Super Properties and Net Weight,
Topology and its Applications 274 (2020) 274 (2020) 107144, 19 pp.
Hart, J. & Kunen, K.,
Super Duper Properties,
Topology Proceedings, 60 (2022) 261-274.