
Our department welcomes hundreds of visitors each year. We have many seminars that foster collaboration and research by bringing in experts from all over the world. Conferences play the same role on a larger scale, hosting many experts in a given field for several days. Such meetings are vital for exchange of ideas and often lead to significant advances. This year, our department organized several of them:

  1. Lectures in Harmonic Analysis in honor of Professor Steven Wainger, March 2011
  2. Madison Springtime Analysis and PDE Workshop, April 2011
  3. Kinetic Description of Multiscale Phenomena: The 2011 Annual Kinetic FRG Meeting, May 2011
  4. First Workshop on Data Analysis and Modeling Retina in Health and Disease, May 2011
  5. Applied Algebra Days, October 2011.
  6. Midwest Number Theory Day and Midwest Number Theory Conference for Graduate Students , November 2011