Placements of Graduates
Our graduate students have been successful on the job market this year despite a difficult economy, securing highly competitive jobs in academia, government, and industry. Here is a brief sample of some placements:
Jonathan Blackhurst (advised by Nigel Boston) became a researcher for the NSA.
Michael Dabkowski (advised by Fedor Nazarov and Sasha Kiselev) moved on to a postdoctoral position at the University of Toronto.
Jingwei Guo (advised by Andreas Seeger) became a Doob Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Jingwei Hu (advised by Shi Jin) obtained a postdoctoral position at the University of Texas-Austin.
Hao Lin (advised by Timo Seppalainen) joined as a logistics analyst.
Li Wang (advised by Leslie Smith) has been hired as a programmer by Epic Systems in Madison.
Michael Woodbury (advised by Tonghai Yang) obtained a postdoctoral position at Columbia University.
Bokai Yan (advised by Shi Jin) became a postdoctoral researcher at UCLA.