Monday, 6 February 2012
Jockusch: Generic Computability and
Asymptotic Density
Bienvenu: The Axiomatic Power of Kolmogorov Complexity
Day: Cupping with Random Sets
Goncharov: Autostability Relative to Strong
Kach: Theories of Classes of Structures
Harizanov: Pi^0_1-Equivalence Structures and
Their Isomorphisms
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Shore: (Nondefinability in the Turing Degrees)
Turetsky: Balancing Randomness
Lewis: The Typical Turing Degree
Marcone: Maximal Chains in Computable
Towsner: Algorithmic Randomness in Ergodic Theory
Conidis: (Proving that Artinian Implies Noetherian without Proving that
Artinian Implies Finite Length)
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Montalbán: Copy or Diagonalize
Cholak: D-Maximal Sets
Brattka: Connected Subsets of Euclidean Space
and the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Slaman: The Stable Ramsey Theorem for Pairs
Andrews: Amalgamation Constructions
Dzhafarov: Mathias Generic Sets
Wu: Isolation: Motivations and Applications
Kalimullin: Properties of Limitwise Monotonic Spectra of
Sigma^0_2 Sets
Barmpalias: On the Number of Infinite
Sequences with Trivial Initial Segment Complexity
Friday, 10 February 2012
Knight: An Example Related to a Theorem of John Gregory
R. Miller: Computable Differential Fields
Stephan: (Random Sets and Recursive Splittings)
Kräling: Lattice Embeddings into the Computably
Enumerable ibT- and cl- Degrees
Lempp: (Computably Enumerable Equivalence Relations)
Downey: A Hierarchy of Computably Enumerable
Degrees, Unifying Classes and Natural Definability