UW–Madison Logic Theses (since 1990)
The following are all UW-Madison doctoral theses in logic, most are available
for dowbload for personal or non-profit educational use only:
- Ning Zhong: Generalized metric spaces and products (1990, advisor:
M. Rudin)
- Avner Landver: Singular Baire numbers and related topics (1990,
advisor: Kunen)
- Peter Cholak: Automorphism of the lattice of recursively enumberable
sets (1991, advisors: Millar and Lempp)
- Timothy Daniel: Normality in box products and S-products (1991,
advisor: M. Rudin)
- Tom Linton: Partial isomorphisms and continuous reductions with games
(1991, advisor: A. Miller)
- Curt Tuckey: Nonstandard methods in the calculus of variations (1991,
advisor: Keisler)
- Roman Zrotowski: Indescribility properties of large cardinals (1991,
advisor: Kunen)
- Renling Jin: Independence relative to nonstandard analysis (1992,
advisor: Keisler)
- Deborah Kaddah: Uniformity in the recursively enumerable degrees and
infima in the degrees of the differences of recursively enumerable sets
(1992, advisor: Lempp)
- David Lamb: Pseudocompact and densely compact spaces in products (1992,
advisors: Kunen and M. Rudin)
- Zorana Lazarevic: Some shrinking spaces (1992, advisor: M. Rudin)
- Tammo Reisewitz: Hyperarithmetical relations and existentially
decidable models in recursive model theory (1992, advisor: Millar)
- Mike Benedikt: Nonstandard analysis and special ultrafilters (1993,
advisor: Keisler)
- Mirna Džamonja: A
set-theoretic approach to some problems in measure theory (1993,
advisor: Kunen)
- Michael Jahn: The index set of the cuppable sets (1993, advisor: Lempp)
- Louis Wingers: Countable box products (1993, advisor: Kunen)
- Lisa Galminas: Lattices of enumerable algebraic structures (1994,
advisor: Lempp)
- Mark Johnson: Techniques in iterated forcing (1994, advisor:
A. Miller)
- Steve Leonhardi: Generalized nonsplitting in the recursively enumerable
degrees (1994, advisor: Lempp)
- Alan Letarte: Covering properties on the hyperfinite time line (1994,
advisor: Keisler)
- Zoran Spasojević: Gaps, trees and iterated forcing (1994,
advisor: Kunen)
- Rob Forsythe: Dynamical systems and temporal-model logic (1995,
advisor: Robbin)
- Randy Pruim: Weakly hard languages and Kuratowski-Ulam theorems in
resource bounded category (1995, advisor: D. Joseph)
- Matt Raw: Complexity of automorphisms of recursive linear orders (1995,
advisor: Millar)
- Mark Ettinger: Topics in
combinatorial games (1996, advisor: Keisler)
- Joan Hart: Some Results in set theory (1996, advisor: Kunen)
- Andrés Villaveces: Extensions of models of set theory: Height
and large cardinals (1996, advisor: Kunen)
- Argimiro Arratia-Quesada: On
the existence of normal forms for logics that capture complexity classes
(1997, advisor: D. Joseph)
- Carlos Ortiz: On the existence
of normal forms for logics that capture complexity classes and approximate
truth in metric spaces (1997, advisor: Keisler)
- Chien-Ning Yeh: O-minimal expansions of ordered sets with unary
functions (1997, advisor: Keisler)
- Philip Apps: Nonstandard
stochastic matching processes and stochastic canards (1998, advisor:
- Evan Griffiths: Completely
mitotic Turing degrees, jump classes, and enumeration degrees (1998,
advisor: Lempp)
- Wafik Lotfallah: Strong laws
in finite model theory (1998, advisor: Keisler)
- João Teixeira: Elliptic differential equations and their discretizations
(1999, advisor: Keisler)
- Dejia Wang: Saturation
properties in the computably enumerable degrees (2000, advisor: Lempp)
- Joni Baker: Some topological
results on ultrafilters (2001, advisor: Kunen)
- Tim Cookson: Independence
from cardinal arithmetic and random x random forcing (2002,
advisor: A. Miller)
- Daniel Miller: A preparation
theorem for Weierstrass systems (2003, advisor: Speissegger)
- Berit Nilsen Givens: Hypergraphs and chromatic numbers, with applications to the
Bohr topology (2003, advisor: Kunen)
- Ramiro de la Vega: Homogeneity properties on compact spaces (2005, advisor:
- Tom Kent: Decidability and
definability in the
degrees (2005, advisor: Lempp)
- Alex Raichev: Relative
randomness via rK-reducibility (2006, advisor: Lempp)
- Elisa Vásquez: Geometric partitions of definable sets and the Cauchy-Crofton
formula (2006, advisor: Speissegger)
- Chris Alfeld: To branch or
not to branch: Branching and non-branching in the Medvedev lattice of
(2007, advisor: Lempp)
- Asher Kach: Characterizing the
computable structures: Boolean algebras and linear orders (2007,
advisor: Lempp)
- James Hunter: Higher-order
reverse topology (2008, advisor: Lempp)
- Rob Owen: Outer model theory
and the definability of forcing (2008, advisor: Kunen)
- Dilip Raghavan: MADness
and set theory (2008, advisors: Kunen and Kastermans)
- Erik Andrejko: Between
O and Ostaszewski (2009, advisor: Kunen)
- Ben Ellison: Boolean indexed
models and Wheeler's Conjecture (2009, advisor: Ruitenburg
(Marquette University))
- Dan McGinn: Quantifier
elimination for a class of intuitionistic theories (2009, advisor:
Ruitenburg (Marquette University))
- David Milovich: Order-theoretic invariants in set-theoretic topology
(2009, advisor: Kunen)
- Dan Turetsky: Effective
algebra and effective dimension (2010, advisor: Lempp)
- Achilles Beros: Applications
of arithmetic complexity and priority arguments in algorithmic learning
theory (2013, advisor: Lempp)
- Kostas Beros: Descriptive
group theory (2013, advisors: A. Miller and J. Miller)
- Andrea Medini: The topology
of ultrafilters as subspaces of the Cantor set and other topics
(2013, advisor: Kunen)
- Mushfeq Khan: Some results on
algorithmic randomness and computability-theoretic strength (2014,
advisor: J. Miller)
- Ashutosh Kumar: On some
problems in set-theoretic real analysis (2014, advisor: A. Miller)
- Brian Rice: The Thin Set
Theorem for pairs and substructures of the Muchnik lattice (2014,
advisor: Lempp)
- Kyle Riggs: Computable
properties of decomposable and completely decomposable groups (2014,
advisors: Moss (Indiana University) and Lempp)
- Kuanysh Abeshev: Computable
numberings in hierarchies (2014, advisors: Badaev (Kazakh National
University) and Lempp)
- Meng-Che ("Turbo") Ho: Randomizing and describing groups (2017, advisors:
Andrews and Dymarz)
- Paul Tveite: Effectivizations of dimension and cardinal
characteristics (2017, advisor: J. Miller)
- Reese Johnston: Computability in uncountable binary trees (2018, advisor:
- Tamvana Makuluni: Complexity
classifications in model theory and computable structures (2018,
advisor: Andrews)
- Ethan McCarthy: Some
results and applications of computability theory (2018, advisor:
J. Miller)
- Wil Cocke: Idle words:
Word maps on finite groups (2019, advisors: Boston and Isaacs)
- Iván Ongay Valverde: Relations between set theory and computability theory:
the case for localization numbers and sets closed under Turing
equivalence (2020, advisors: J. Miller and Kunen)
- James Hanson: Definability and
categoricity in continuous logic (2020, advisor: Andrews)
- Tejas Bhojraj: Algorithmic
randomness and Kolmogorov complexity for qubits (2021, advisor:
J. Miller)
- Josiah Jacobsen-Grocott: Structural and topological aspects of the enumeration and
hyperenumeration degrees (2024, advisor: Soskova)