Logic Qualifying Exams

Up until January 2023, thre were three logic quals: Set Theory (S), Model Theory (M), and Computability Theory (C). Starting in August 2023, there is just one version based on the courses Math 770 (Model Theory) and Math 773 (Computability Theory). The Gödel Completeness and Incompleteness Theorems are covered at the beginning of each, respectively

2025-1.pdf... 2024-8.pdf... 2024-1.pdf... 2023-8.pdf... 2023-1.pdf... 2022-8.pdf...
2022-1.pdf... 2021-8.pdf... 2020-8.pdf... 2020-1.pdf... 2019-8.pdf... 2018-8.pdf... 2017-8.pdf... 2017-1.pdf...
2016-8.pdf... 2016-1.pdf... 2015-8.pdf... 2015-1.pdf... 2014-8.pdf... 2014-1.pdf... 2013-8.pdf... 2013-1.pdf...
2012-8.pdf... 2012-1.pdf... 2011-8.pdf... 2011-1.pdf... 2010-8.pdf... 2010-1.pdf... 2009-8.pdf... 2009-1.pdf...
2008-8.pdf... 2008-1.pdf... 2007-8.pdf... 2007-1.pdf... 2006-8.pdf... 2006-1.pdf... 2005-8.pdf... 2005-1.pdf...
2004-8.pdf... 2004-1.pdf... 2003-8.pdf... 2003-1.pdf... 2002-8.pdf... 2002-1.pdf... 2001-8.pdf... 2001-1.pdf...
2000-8.pdf... 2000-1.pdf... 1999-8.pdf... 1999-1.pdf... 1998-8.pdf... 1998-1.pdf... 1997-8.pdf... 1997-1.pdf...
1996-8.pdf... 1996-1.pdf... 1995-8.pdf... 1994-8.pdf... 1994-1.pdf... 1993-8.pdf... 1993-1.pdf... 1992-8.pdf...
1992-1.pdf... 1991-8.pdf... 1991-1.pdf... 1990-8.pdf... 1990-1.pdf... 1989-8.pdf... 1989-1.pdf... 1987-1.pdf...
1987-8.pdf... 1986-8.pdf... 1986-1.pdf... 1985-8.pdf... 1985-1.pdf... 1984-8.pdf... 1984-1.pdf... 1983-8.pdf...
1983-1.pdf... 1982-8.pdf... 1982-1.pdf... 1981-8.pdf... 1980-1.pdf... 1979-8.pdf... 1979-1.pdf... 1978-9.pdf...
1978-1.pdf... 1977-8.pdf... 1976-9.pdf... 1975-8.pdf... 1975-1.pdf... 1974-8.pdf... 1974-1.pdf... 1973-8.pdf...
1973-1.pdf... 1972-8.pdf... 1972-1.pdf... 1971-9.pdf... 1971-2.pdf... 1970-1.pdf

Notes written for a qual-prep course by Ashutosh Kumar

Notes written for a qual-prep course by Logan Heath

Qualfying exam schedule and guide

Logic Quals kept by the math library:

Greens quals copied from the library

Reds quals are ancient - no better copies exist

Google search this site
Only blue exams since others would require optical character recognition.

This page created and maintained by Arnie Miller until 2014, then by Uri Andrews, since 2020 by Steffen Lempp and Joe Miller.